Social networks are the ones keeping online & offline separate (and how it can be fixed)
Recently more and more advertisers in Latvia have started to put their Facebook addresses and page names on their outdoor ads. While I’m happy that
Recently more and more advertisers in Latvia have started to put their Facebook addresses and page names on their outdoor ads. While I’m happy that
What started off like a simple (can’t find the right word) question Gained attention of someone involved & earned a witty answer Which had to
Jau dažas dienas (skatos, ka šonedēļ palaista fīča) draugiem.lv visas “runā” bildes tiek liktas vienā albumā, kurš saucas “Runā bildes”. Tas forši. Būtībā tas pats,
At this point this should be a no-brainer. Yet so many companies and businesses choose not to address complaints on social media. One might ask
Do Not Disturb – when this feature is on, the phone will not disturb you. No calls, no e-mails, no messages, no notifications. Also, it’s
Do Not Disturb – šajā režīmā telefons neskanēs un neslēgs iekšā ekrānu. Tiešām netraucēs. Var uzstādīt izņēmumus, lai konkrēti cilvēki (ģimene, šefs) Tevi vienmēr varētu
Pirms kāda laika draugiem.lv uzlaboja savu “runā” straumi, ļaujot publicēt linkus tā, lai tie netērētu paša “runā” ierakstu zīmju skaitu, kurā ierakstīt aprakstu, komentāru vai
You’ll reward your fans with a special offer. A good deed goes a long way You’ll reach friends of your fans. As Facebook puts it: